Bridge Module

Carbon's cross-chain Infrastructure

Carbon acts as a hub for cross-chain DeFi by bridging the Cosmos and EVM ecosystems, allowing for cross-chain trading, money markets, and more.

The bridge module is an important aspect of Carbon, as it powers the transfer of assets and information (via GMP) among orthogonal networks.

The bridge module does this by acting as a generic messaging pathway which connects IBC, EVM and non-EVM chains.

How it Works

In essence:

  • “Depositing” an asset from an external chain to Carbon involves locking the funds in an escrow contract (or IBC module) on the external chain and minting an equivalent token on Carbon

  • Conversely, “withdrawing” an asset from Carbon involves burning the minted tokens and unlocking the funds on the other chain' smart contracts (or IBC module)

Supported Chains


All IBC chains are supported by Carbon. However, not all chains may have relayers to Carbon. Here is a list of IBC chains with known relayers.


Carbon supports bridging of assets from EVM directly via PolyNetwork. Carbon will soon also support bridging of these assets via Axelar. Here is a list of currently bridgable EVM chains.


Carbon also supports bridging of assets from some non-EVM via PolyNetwork, which acts as a "relay chain" which maintains block headers of participating chains to enable cross-chain communication.

Here is a list of bridgable non-EVM chains.

Example dApps


Powered by Carbon, CarbonHub is a cross-chain solution enabling transfers of assets, without the need to create a Carbon account in the process. This empowers users to bridge $SWTH between supported blockchains in just one transaction.


The Carbon bridge module powers ZilBridge on the ZilSwap platform. A first in the cryptocurrency market, ZilBridge enables cross-chain transfer of Zilliqa and Ethereum-based assets.

Last updated